Managing Membership

Changing Personal Information



  • cancel Resign your membership
    • 1
      download Download the member termination request form
    • 2
      print Print out and complete the form
    • 3
      people Return the form to your HR Department
  • move_group Leave the company but continue membership

    This is subject to approval by the Scheme. The Scheme allows for individuals with membership of another medical scheme prior to admission to the PG Group Medical Scheme, where the break was not greater than three months.

    As you are no longer an employee, you are required to pay your monthly contributions directly from your bank account, please contact your human resources department.

  • diversity_3 Family taking over membership from a deceased main member

    Dependants of deceased members are entitled to remain members of the Scheme, provided they were registered as beneficiaries at the time of the member's death and the member had contributed to the Scheme for a period of five consecutive years.

  • warning Suspended membership

    In the case of failure to pay contributions, the fund will have right to suspend all benefit payments in the respect of claims which arose during the period of default. Written notice of debt will be given to the member/employer, failing which membership may terminated.

  • person_remove Terminated membership
    Failure to pay contributions

    A beneficiary's membership can be terminated for not settling a written notice of debt.

    Fraudulent activity
    • The Board of Trustees may exclude benefits or terminate membership of any member or dependant who:
    • Allows someone outside their membership to use their medical scheme card, which will also result in criminal prosecution.
    • Submitts false claims
    • Intentionally hides or fabricates information
    • Does not disclose certain information